Born: 07.04.1977, Bucharest
Address: Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: meda.tache@archaeology.ro
Education: 1995-1999 - Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest, specialized in Romanian Prehistory (B.A. with The Bell-Beacker Culture, guided by acad. prof. Ph.D. Al. Vulpe)
2001 M.A. in Greek and Roman History and Archaeology with The Makó Culture, guided by acad. prof. Ph.D. Al. Vulpe
since 2001 PhD candidate with Midle Iron Age in Romania guided by acad. prof. Ph.D. Al. Vulpe
Presently employed at:
Institutul de Arheologie "V. Pârvan", București ("V. Pârvan" Archaeological Institute, Bucharest)
-Năeni-Zănoaga, jud. Buzău (1996-1998, 2000,2001); supervisor I. Motzoi-Chicideanu; Bronze Age settlement, Monteoru Culture
-Cârna- Nasta, jud. Dolj (1996-1998); supervisor I. Motzoi-Chicideanu; Bronze Age cemetery, Gârla Mare Culture, early and late Hallstatt Age complexes
-Bistreț- Cabana de Metal, jud. Dolj (1999-2000); supervisor I. Motzoi-Chicideanu; Bronze Age settlement and cemetery, Gârla Mare Culture, early and late Hallstatt Age complexes
-Costișa, jud. Neamț (2001), Bronze Age settlement
Book review: MAREK GEDL, Die Sicheln in Polen , PBF, Abteilung XVIII, 4. Band, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1995, 119 p., 79 pl., in EA-online, 23.12.2000 (http://www.archaeology.ro/mt_rec1.htm)
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